HOBOKEN, N.J., May 20, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Autonomous Healthcare, Inc. has been awarded a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I contract by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to commercialize an automated system for hemorrhage control and resuscitation at the point of injury.
Non-compressible torso hemorrhage, which results from bleeding that cannot be controlled with a tourniquet or application of direct pressure, is the leading cause of death among survivable battlefield injuries. Additionally, within the civilian US sectors, bleeding from trauma creates a significant death toll among survivable injuries. Autonomous Healthcare aims to develop a technology that will provide fully-automated partial resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta (pREBOA), allowing a set amount of blood past the balloon and mitigating the ischemia-reperfusion metabolic injury.
“This award provides further validation for Autonomous Healthcare’s vision to revolutionize emergency and critical care by introducing closed-loop control technologies,” said Dr. Behnood Gholami, Co-Founder and CEO of Autonomous Healthcare. “An automated system to provide pREBOA will create a better opportunity for use in trauma scenarios as well as make the procedure more widely available to medics and first responders.”
About Autonomous Healthcare
Autonomous Healthcare is pioneering the development of technologies for smart patient management for emergency, perioperative, and critical care with the ultimate goal of reducing morbidity and mortality by introducing various levels of automation. Autonomous Healthcare is a recipient of grants and contracts from DARPA, NASA, the National Science Foundation, the NIH, and the US Army Medical Research and Materiel Command.
SOURCE Autonomous Healthcare, Inc.