Center for Asbestos Related Disease (CARD) Welcomes a New Medical Director

LIBBY, Mont., Aug. 12, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — After more than 20 years as Medical Director for the Center for Asbestos Related Disease (CARD), Dr. Brad Black will no longer be seeing patients as of the end of August. Dr. Lee Morrissette, who has been with CARD for nearly two years, transitioned into the Medical Director position in May. After a long career dedicated to serving the community and serving as Medical Director for CARD since its inception, Dr. Black wishes to have more time for his family and other pursuits. He plans to remain with CARD in a part-time consultant role.  

In his new role as Senior Medical and Research Advisor, Dr. Black will concentrate on developing research opportunities and fundraising efforts with our Board of Directors. CARD is currently in the process of establishing a Scientific Advisory Council made up of academics from around the country who are involved with various aspects of asbestos-related disease and the screening process. The Council includes experts on imaging, autoimmune markers, and asbestos disease itself, with a goal of improving detection, identifying prognostic indicators, and eventually finding better treatments.

Dr. Black and the Scientific Advisory Council will also be involved with ongoing attempts to expand an asbestos registry established by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) more than twenty years ago. The data regarding asbestos-related disease due to Libby Amphibole asbestos would be combined with data from other sources of asbestos-related information to assist patients with asbestos exposure, as well as researchers who may be involved in the search for future treatment options.

CARD is excited to move forward and continue to provide the same expert, compassionate care Lincoln County and all those suffering from asbestos-related disease due to Libby Amphibole exposure have come to expect. We will continue to provide asbestos-related disease screening, lung cancer screening, and ongoing care for those diagnosed with asbestos-related disease, as well as educational and outreach opportunities. The public is encouraged to call CARD at (406) 293-9274 to make an appointment or visit our website at We remain ready to serve the community.

About CARD:
The Center for Asbestos Related Disease (CARD) has emerged as a national center of excellence in addressing healthcare issues associated with Libby Amphibole (previously called tremolite) asbestos. The CARD Clinic evolved in response to raised awareness of widespread asbestos exposure in the Libby area that surfaced in 1999. After the ATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry) screenings during 2000 and 2001 identified the high number of lung abnormalities, it became apparent to the community that long-term pulmonary care needed to be established in Libby. 

Contact: Tracy McNew, Administrative Director
406-293-9274 /

SOURCE Center for Asbestos Related Disease

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