Cymcorp Offers a Solution for the Cold and Flu Season

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., Aug. 24, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Ontario-based Cymcorp is an innovative company that has been focused on cellular health for over two decades. Company founder Robert Gauthier identified the need to bolster the body’s natural health more than 20 years ago. Since then, his company has created a powerful trio of products that can help the body resist annual pests like the cold, cough, and flu.

Robert Gauthier launched his company, Cymcorp, after asking himself a simple question: Isn’t there a better way to combat illness and maintain our health? The entrepreneur was asking in reference to the smorgasbord of symptom-focused solutions currently available to consumers. In the words of Gauthier, attempting to fight sickness by conventional means, while effective in controlling or eliminating viruses, "can, and usually does, wreak havoc on your body as well."

This led Gauthier to shift his focus from reactive solutions to proactive ones. "Why not be proactive and keep ourselves from getting sick in the first place?" Gauthier explains. This shift in perspective naturally focused on strengthening and boosting the human body’s immune system so that it could naturally protect itself. "And if we do get sick," Gauthier adds, "why not give ourselves the best chances of a speedy recovery?"

This focus on bolstering the body’s natural immunity and overall function led to Gauthier’s breakthrough product GSH Complex. The high-quality product specializes in helping the body produce GSH (glutathione.) The powerful antioxidant is a critical component of cellular health throughout the body.

Cymcorp’s GSH Complex was followed by Triozyme and UNE VIE, companion products that bolster digestion and hydration, respectively. This trifecta of products specializes in helping the body obtain what Gauthier describes as "the three essential components to sustain life." These are air, nutrients, and water. Together, the trio of SKUs creates the VIPROX package, a full-body health and wellness product that revitalizes the cells and helps them keep the body in good health.

The best part is that Gauthier’s discovery isn’t just aimed at high-profile health concerns. It addresses overall health and bodily maintenance, too, including defending against things like colds, coughs, and the flu. Left on its own, the body can struggle to fend off these common cold weather conditions.

The ability of Cymcorp’s VIPROX package to help keep the body in good health year-round — a fact that is backed by thousands of testimonials over decades of time (many of which can be found on the company’s website) — can be a critical factor not just over the long term. It can also help individuals get through each day, week, and month without the need to battle minor illnesses for extensive periods of time.

About Cymcorp: Cymcorp is a Canadian health and wellness brand that has been at the forefront of cellular health for over two decades. The company specializes in providing GSH and supportive elements to the body in order to maintain its inherent health properties over time.

Please direct inquiries to:
Rosana Osler
(954) 747-8263

SOURCE Cymcorp