Equifund Successfully Raises Over $1 Million for Biopact CT Via Reg-CF

WILMINGTON, Del., June 4, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Equifund (https://equifund.com), a private market investment platform that delivers vetted, early-stage investing opportunities, announces it successfully raised over $1 million for Biopact Cellular Transport Inc. ("Biopact CT") in a Regulation Crowdfunding offering.

"We’re very proud to have oversubscribed a Reg-CF offering for Biopact CT," said Jordan Gillissie, Equifund’s Founder and CEO. "We are seeing more and more investors come to our platform looking for high-quality investment opportunities, especially in the biotech and healthcare space. Biopact’s raise was a great success and we’re excited for those who got the chance to participate."

Biopact CT is a biotech company pioneering a breakthrough technology called MGMR. MGMR is backed by over 110 patents worldwide and could be instrumental in helping cell-based therapies fight many diseases including cancer and diabetes.

"It’s been a great pleasure doing a Reg-CF raise with Equifund," said Kurt Swogger, CEO of Biopact CT. "From beginning to end, they were great to work with and we’re very happy with the results particularly as we started our fund raising at the "start" of the Pandemic. The Equifund team lead by Jordan adapted and still brought off a successful fund raise. We would definitely consider doing another raise with Equifund in the future."

Equifund is one of the highest-grossing platforms in the industry on a per offering basis. In the past 18 months it has launched six Reg-CF offerings and generated over $4 million in investor commitments.

For more information about how to invest in private market opportunities or to raise capital with Equifund, please visit: https://equifund.com.

Important Notice About Investing in Regulation CF Offerings

Investments on the Equifund website are only suitable for investors familiar with and willing to accept the high risk associated with Regulation CF Offerings. Securities sold through these offerings are not publicly traded and intended for investors who do not need a liquid investment. Companies seeking capital through Regulation CF tend to be in earlier stages of development and have not yet been thoroughly tested in the public marketplace. Investing in Regulation CF offerings requires high-risk tolerance, low liquidity concerns, and long-term commitments. Investors must be able to afford to lose their entire investment.

You should read the Form C offering statement appearing on the Equifund offering page. It provides more information about the company, the terms of the securities being offered, and the risks and other considerations relating to the purchase of these securities.

Media Contact:
Jordan Gillissie



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