LOUISVILLE, Ky., Sept. 22, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — The International Respiratory Infections Society (IRIS) is pleased to announce the release of an industry-first, a comprehensive How-To Manual for Drive-Through Vaccination Clinics. This new text, Planning and Implementing a Drive-Through Vaccination Process: A Complete How-To Manual is a one-stop toolkit for planning, executing, and evaluating all aspects of a drive-through vaccination event. In today’s times, the ability to quickly launch organized large-scale vaccination is paramount to ensure community-level public health. This How-To Manual provides healthcare and public health professionals and government officials a scalable blueprint to ensure a safe and successful approach to vaccination that enables social distancing, isolation, and infection control. Components such as planning logistics, staffing, training, core infection control practices, management and handling of vaccines and vaccination supplies, and emergency response following vaccination are covered. Supplementary material is also provided through access to an electronic toolbox of implementation resources including checklists, training guides, and templates.
“Our approach to vaccination has been changed due to COVID-19. Not only do we need to ensure uninterrupted access to routine vaccination including influenza, we have to be prepared and competent to provide COVID-19 vaccine to the entire population,” says Dr. Ruth Carrico, Professor in the Division of Infectious Diseases at the University of Louisville School of Medicine and Founding IRIS Board Member.
This comprehensive resource includes valuable information on Logistics and Clinic Set-Up, Training a Multidisciplinary Team, Infection Control and Safe Injection Practices, Vaccine Supply and Inventory Management, Vaccine Storage/Transport/Temperature Monitoring, Patient Education and Vaccine Information Systems, Emergency Response, Meeting the Needs of the Community, and a Toolkit of electronic resources to help clinicians use implement best practices for drive-through vaccination clinics. IRIS plans to release a printed copy of this How-To Guide in Fall 2020. The EBOOK is currently available through the Amazon Kindle Platform for $19.99.
About IRIS:
The International Respiratory Infections Society (IRIS) is a not-for-profit corporation of an international organization of individual persons, constituted in accordance with the Kentucky, USA, nonprofit organizations requirements. The mission of the International Respiratory Infections Society (IRIS) is to promote research in the field of respiratory infections. To learn more, visit www.irisociety.com.
Contact Name: Kimberly Buckner
International Respiratory Infections Society
Phone: 502-414-5124
SOURCE International Respiratory Infections Society