MARGATE, Fla., Aug. 24, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — A landmark federal case against three major opioid manufacturers reached closing arguments in West Virginia in late July. The case hinges on two main questions: was it reasonable for drug makers to send 81 million opioid pills to a town of 46,000 people, and, if their actions were reckless, should the drug makers be held financially responsible?
The lawsuit was filed in March 2017, a time when opioid overdose deaths were surging in West Virginia. An astounding 69.3 opioid drugs were prescribed for every 100 people in the state. The national average at the time was 51.4. West Virginia is considered the epicenter of the opioid epidemic in America with the highest opioid overdose death rates – 41.5 deaths per 100,000 people.
In the communities of Cabell County and Huntington, W.V., 1 in 10 people are addicted to opioids. In just five years, 6,400 people overdosed in the small community and as many as 2,500 children have been born with developmental issues related to mothers abusing opioids during pregnancy.
The WV Attorney General has said that greater resources are required to properly combat the ongoing epidemic, and that funding may become available if the federal case sides with the plaintiffs.
David Levin, Medical Director of Legacy Healing Center, an addiction treatment center in Florida and New Jersey has said, "We have to shed light on what’s going on." Opioid related deaths have reached unprecedented levels in states across the country. Legacy Healing Center believes that helping those suffering from opioid use disorder should be the number one priority in cases like the one in West Virginia.
Legacy Healing Center hopes that further resources are dedicated to providing comprehensive support and treatment for individuals and communities suffering from addiction, ultimately helping to prevent further loss of life in the opioid epidemic.
"Our promise to our clients is a safe and nurturing environment conducive to healing and forgiveness that ultimately transforms the addicted self to the authentic self," said Levin.
For anyone currently struggling with addiction to prescription drugs or any other substance, call Legacy Healing Center at (888) 534-2295 or visit
Travis Benfaida
SOURCE Legacy Healing Center