New 100-Day Course Starting June 5 Shares Ancient Secrets of Master Healer Dr. Pankaj Naram

NEW YORK, June 4, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Clint G. Rogers, Ph.D., also known as Dr. Clint, is proud to announce the June 5 start date for his next 100-day training course in Ancient Secrets. This will only be the second and perhaps last time the course is offered.

Dr. Clint says the first time the course was offered drew more than 250 students in 33 countries. This time, he observes, the course will be enhanced to allow students to access the materials each week at a time convenient for them, with support from a brilliant teaching team.

Dr. Clint says, "The introductory 14-week course has been designed for aspiring practitioners, practicing doctors, as well as those who simply want to help themselves and those they love. It is for anyone with a burning desire to know the ancient healing secrets."

United Kingdom resident healer Theresa A. Kahn took the first class. She says, "I feel completely nourished mentally, physically, and emotionally! I certainly have much more respect and understanding for herbs and spices that most of us already possess in our kitchen, and that I can now confidently use as medicine. I have found this to be priceless. Understanding the combination of foods (i.e. as medicine) has been a real eye-opener too. … I have certainly implemented the 6 Keys of Deeper Healing in my life, and work and am thrilled to be able to share what I have learned with friends, family, colleagues, and clients."

Lisa Marion, a healing therapist in Canada, says "The group you created has not only inspired deep transformation in me but has been filled with loving, giving participants who truly want to make a difference. All the teachers have given and shared in such a beautiful way to help all of us learn and understand more deeply with care and their own personal touch. In a world filled with so much fear and pain, this is a welcomed and needed manifestation of helping to elevate divine consciousness through creating a group with vision and purpose."

Even so, Dr. Clint says the experience isn’t a typical training course. "It’s not just about information — it’s about transformation. And sometimes the process of transformation can be challenging, and at other times thrilling. Anyone can learn it, you just have to come with a willing mind, an open heart, and a big desire to be of service on this planet."

It’s not too late to sign up for the course. Click here to do so.

The course also marks the publication anniversary of Dr. Clint’s book about Dr. Naram’s work, Ancient Secrets of a Master Healer: A Western Skeptic, An Eastern Master, and Life’s Greatest Secrets (Wisdom of the World Press). The book is being translated into 30-plus languages, by volunteers across the world, with an audiobook to be released soon.

Dr. Clint spent a decade traveling the world with the legendary Indian master healer Dr. Pankaj Naram. Clint G. Rogers, Ph.D., is a university researcher whose TEDx talk on Dr. Naram has been viewed by millions. Dr. Clint designed and taught with Dr. Naram a university certification course in Berlin, Germany, for doctors. Dr. Clint is the CEO of Wisdom of the World Wellness and a trustee of the Ancient Secrets Foundation.

Contact: Dr. Clint G. Rogers, (914) 215-4792;

SOURCE Clint Rogers