JACKSONVILLE, Fla., June 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Finally, a meaningful, stylish gift for Father’s Day. DadFrat, The fun, positive brand and line of clothing, created to celebrate the great pride and responsibility a dad has in the care, guidance, and love for his children. Products include butter soft Tees and a stylish, one size fits all truckers cap that will ultimately become dad’s favorite.
DadFrat Founder and father of 4, Seth Movsovitz, says: "Our role in the modern family has changed dramatically. Now, the 72.4 million dads in the United States have a brand to call their own."
How It All Began…The feelings and emotions of being a father could be described in a million ways in a million different words and phrases. For Seth Movsovitz, fatherhood has not only been an honor and a privilege, but a bond and kinship with his fellow fathers as well.
Out of that camaraderie, DadFrat was born!
From the time Seth first jokingly remarked, "Welcome to the fraternity of dads!", a quote that has become his calling card as he greets friends and family members on their new adventure and journey in parenthood, he began to work on his idea. His initial combination of the Greek letters, Delta Alpha Delta, made decent traction, and if the time and effort had been available to him then, perhaps this release would be dated 20 years prior! None the less, the wheels were in motion.
DadFrat Mission Statement: Celebrating fatherhood, one child at a time.
The perfect gift for new dads, Father’s Day, birthdays, Christmas, or just because.
DadFrat is the Official Gift for Proud Dads Everywhere
If you would like more information about DadFrat, please call Seth Movsovitz at 904-672-6006 or email at