PORT WASHINGTON, N.Y., June 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — After more than a year of closures and limited operations due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the staff at I Love Hearing is proud to announce that its Port Washington, N.Y. office is now fully open for new and existing patients.
"We are so glad to be back in our Post Washington location serving the needs of this great community," said Dr. Sophia Behrmann, audiologist at I Love Hearing. "We had been welcoming patients by appointment only, which was tricky due to the pandemic, so when we saw a real need in the community, we knew we had to get back to our full operating hours as soon as it was safe to do so."
According to Behrmann, I Love Hearing’s Port Washington office is a "real staple" in the tight-knit Long Island community going back about 20 years.
"One of the mottos of this town is ‘Port Washington Strong,’ and people who live here really embody that," Behrmann said, noting that the Port Washington office was one of the practice’s most visited before the COVID-19 pandemic. "After so many months of office closures followed by limited operation, our patients are thankful and happy that they can easily book an appointment and walk out with cleaned, well-adjusted hearing aids."
Behrmann said that the office is continuing to practice safety protocols as recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), including mask wearing inside the office, thorough sanitation between appointments, and social distancing observed in the waiting room. One rule that has changed, though, is that I Love Hearing now allows patients to bring one person to accompany them to appointments.
"We have two waiting rooms in Port Washington, so there is plenty of space to social distance," Behrmann said.
As a practice anchored in ongoing hearing health, Behrmann said that the practice has a "Family and Friends" hearing screening initiative, in which the person accompanying a patient to their appointment can get their hearing screened at the same time, free of charge.
"A lot of people don’t realize that starting at around age 50, you should have annual hearing tests, so we are now offering that as a service to everyone," Behrmann said. "Hearing loss affects everybody, so if you’re already in our office waiting for someone, let’s give you a baseline so you know where your hearing is at."
Behrmann added that the Family and Friends initiative is in line with the practice’s ethos that hearing should be just as important a part of health and wellness as yearly checkups with the doctor.
"We like to treat not just hearing loss, but how hearing loss affects someone’s whole life," Behrmann said.
I Love Hearing’s Port Washington office is located at 191 Main Street, near the Port Washington Public Library. Hours are from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Sunday and evening hours are available by appointment. For more information and to make an appointment at any I Love Hearing location, visit www.ILoveHearing.com.
I Love Hearing offers hearing aid fittings, hearing aid service, hearing aid testing, hearing protection products, hearing aid accessories, hearing aid classes and workshops, tinnitus therapy, and ear wax management under the care of experienced hearing professionals. I Love Hearing sells nearly every brand on the market, and services all brands of hearing aids and hearing protection. Locations include offices in Long Island in Port Washington, New Hyde Park, and East Meadow, and a fourth location on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, New York City. For more information, visit www.ILoveHearing.com.
SOURCE I Love Hearing