Stoner Confessions – “RSO Stories”

PHOENIX, July 20, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — The staff members at PuraEarth Concentrates, a local Craft Cannabis Company, have created a new video project called, Stoner Confessions. Stoner Confessions focuses on using raw, transparent and painfully unfiltered testimonials from individuals who have been uniquely impacted by cannabis. Each testimonial courageously dives into what life is like living with a debilitating chronic illness and how cannabis and its many uses allow them to live a full and unrestricted life. The goal of this project is to shed light and provide a deeply personal perspective on cannabis that is oftentimes not publicized in mainstream media for fear of judgment and personal scrutiny.

The Stoner Confessions Project will launch with its initial video series, "RSO Stories." This series will exclusively focus on how people suffering from day-to-day medical struggles treat symptoms of their individual diagnoses, and how their lives have been impacted by implementing cannabis, specifically RSO, into their daily regimen.

RSO, formally known as Rick Simpson Oil, is a full extract cannabis oil. The oil can be used topically or consumed orally. RSO is known for its medical benefits especially in relieving pain for those battling cancer, Crohn’s, Parkinson’s, and many more.

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PuraEarth Concentrates
(602) 292-7793

SOURCE PuraEarth

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